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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find a list of frequently asked questions that we think you may find useful, however, if this list doesn't answer your question, please feel free to contact us. Our support team will definitely have the answer for your question.

Does BlueMAGNET require any special hardware?
If your computer doesn’t have Bluetooth® technology integrated (A laptop for instance). It will need a Bluetooth® dongle that you can normally get for $10.

BlueMAGNET keeps showing me an error message about Bluetooth hardware problem?
BlueMAGNET will show this error only if it can't detect your Bluetooth hardware. So, you need to make sure that your Bluetooth hardware is running correctly. You will also need to make sure that your Bluetooth hardware is compatible with BlueMAGNET.

We have a troubleshooting guide that will help you determine what is causing this problem.

What Bluetooth stacks does BlueMAGNET support?
BlueMAGNET supports both WidComm and Microsoft stacks.

Which Bluetooth dongle can I use with BlueMAGNET?
Usually, if you have a computer with Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher, there is a very long list of Bluetooth dongles that will work with BlueMAGNET (Under Microsoft Stack).

But if you want to buy a specific type, we recommend our Long Range Bluetooth Transmitter XRange2000 or the small range Trendnet Bluetooth dongle or D-Link DBT-120. They should work perfectly.

How long can I use the evaluation version of BlueMAGNET?
You can use the evaluation version of BlueMAGNET for 7 days. After that, you will need to order a license to keep using it. Otherwise, we kindly ask you to uninstall BlueMAGNET completely from your machine.

How much does BlueMAGNET cost?
BlueMAGNET is inexpensive. It will cost you $149.95. Other Bluetooth solutions will require installing special hardware and it will cost you thousands of dollars to do the very same job.

Can I use the registered BlueMAGNET in more than one location?
No. We require you to get a single license of BlueMagnet for every business location that you're going to run BlueMagnet on. You can think of this requirement as a single copy per computer. So, if you have one location, you will need to get one license only. If you have multiple locations that you need to use BlueMagnet on, you will need to get a license for each and every one of these locations.

Can you make some changes to BlueMagnet to suite my business model?
Normally, you won’t need this. BlueMagnet is designed to serve almost any business model. But in case you need any special requirements. We will be more than happy to discuss it with you. Please feel free to contact us.


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  • March 2, 2010

    BlueMAGNET version 3.1 is released!

  • Oct 13, 2009

    BlueMAGNET version 3 is released!

  • Jan 11, 2009

    Moved to the new domain

  • August 27, 2008

    BlueMAGNET version 2.0 is released!