The Clock is ticking and you're losing customers. Act now!         

Watch our video introduction to Bluetooth advertising and how you can use BlueMagnet to grow your business. Click here!

Advertise With Bluetooth

BlueMagnet Bluetooth marketing provides complete packages to bring Bluetooth advertising to any size of business, no matter what your budget is we can facilitate your requirements.

Create your promotion within minutes then use BlueMagnet Bluetooth to send advertising campaigns without any delay straight into your customer's hand. Join companies like Nokia and Pepsi and send powerful campaigns including pictures, movies, games and business cards straight to customer mobile phones totally free of charge to either you or the recipient.

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Advertise with Bluetooth Software
B2B Bluetooth Marketing

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Bluetooth Advertising Introduction

Introduction to Bluetooth Advertising:


Bluetooth Advertising Software Free Trial!
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  • March 2, 2010

    BlueMAGNET version 3.1 is released!

  • Oct 13, 2009

    BlueMAGNET version 3 is released!

  • Jan 11, 2009

    Moved to the new domain

  • August 27, 2008

    BlueMAGNET version 2.0 is released!